Name: Ida Husøy
Age: 18
Nationality: Norwegian
Hometown: Drammen
Does living in Liverpool meet the expectations you had before you moved here?
Yes it has. I didn’t know what to expect. It is all very new and exciting. So far so good.
What is the biggest difference between Liverpool and your hometown?
That is probably the size of the city. I have heard the city is more dangerous and the football is better.
Tell us about your hometown…
It is much smaller there than you are used to in England. A couple of years ago it was a bit cheesy there. Now others are looking to Drammen for the culture and the changes have been enormous. Loads of others are coming to get inspiration.
What was the strangest thing you came accross during your time in the UK?
The strangest thing was before I started I went to check out the bus timetables and some guys started to throw stones at me. I ran after them and took some pictures of them.
What is your favourite place in Liverpool?
I like my flat. I haven’t actually been looking around. Anfield and Albert Dock are good and I like how the city is shaped.
What advice can you give other international students who come to Liverpool?
Try to be yourself and try to learn as much as you can. You don’t know everything. Do everything the teachers say. Be patient and take it easy. Make friends and have a good time.