Residents across the region will reap benefits of government funding this winter as new money has been designated for energy efficiency.
Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) have won nearly £1.4m under the Government’s ‘Green Deal Pilot Programme’ which will be used for new energy efficiency measures.
The Green Deal programme plans to improve efficiency in resedential and commercial buildings, helping to cut costs.
A total of 262 homes in the Liverpool region will benefit from new boiler installation, as well as internal and external insulation and extra glazing on windows, particularly valuable for the cold winter months.
Liverpool City Region’s programme was created as part of the LEP’s City Deal2 agreement.
It encourages local authorities to come together to learn and teach new and efficient ways to save energy and benefit residents.
Councillor Tim Moore, city council cabinet member for transport and climate change, said: “This funding is very welcome but it is just a start.
“Under the Government’s Green Deal proposals, and working with available Energy Company finance, we will be looking to make a real impact on energy efficiency and property improvements across the city region.
“We believe that we can lever in some many millions pounds over five years, making the Liverpool City region greener while reducing energy bills.”
The programme will cover residents in Anfield, Breckfield and Eldonian Village, as well as City Region areas such as Wirral and Sefton.
The funding will also cover 700 further home-owners receiving advice on how to reduce their energy costs and stay warmer.