Liverpool SU will be holding an event this Thursday for national Alcohol Awareness week. The theme of the event is ‘It’s Time to Talk About Drinking’.
Student Advice and Wellbeing and Liverpool SU will be collaborating with organisations, Young Addiction and Liverpool City Council’s Alcohol and Tobacco Unit to deliver a promotional event.
The event will be held at Liverpool Student Union on Thursday at 12-2.30pm. It aims to provide students with access to organisations which focus on giving support and information to anyone with queries about alcohol consumption.
Bernadette McGrath, Health and Wellbeing officer for LSU said: “Primarily it’s an awareness event. We will be having a conversation around alcohol and how we talk about alcohol. It’s an informal event.
“AddAction and Liverpool ATU are going to have a presence there. Claire Spencer from the ATU will be talking about the calorie consumption and the Pssst! Alcohol awareness campaign. It’s just for people to give consideration to their drinking habits.”
Students will be able to find out information about alcohol and calories and how to stay safe while drinking. There will also be an opportunity to try on some ‘beer goggles’.
Alcohol Awareness week is for everyone, not just students. Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust’s Alcohol team are also encouraging people to think about what they drink this week.
NHS service ‘What’s Yours?’ recommends a daily unit of 3-4 alcohol units for men and 2-3 for women, and at least two alcohol free days each week.
Drinking more than the recommended amount can lead to serious health problems including liver disease, stomach ulcers and cancer.
Kellie Cureton Health Promotion specialist for Liverpool Community Health said: “Whilst there is nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional drink, during Alcohol Awareness Week we want to encourage everyone to think a bit more about how much, and how often, they are drinking.
“Making changes to your drinking habits doesn’t necessarily mean giving up alcohol altogether. Often making just a few small cut backs to how much and how often you are drinking can make a big difference to your health.”