A £6m Wirral Youth Zone project will be built on the site of the now-demolished Birkenhead Fire Station.
The project is a joint venture between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Wirral Council. The new centre will incorporate the other 14 youth centres that have been closed down in order to save the council £1.2m.
The proposed area is on Exmouth Street, in the centre of Birkenhead, close and convenient to transport links.
Councillor George Davies, council cabinet member for housing and community safety, has recently visited a similar site in Oldham and was impressed.
He said: “They had badminton, indoor bowls, music and drama – it was superb. It takes the kids off the street and gives them lots of things they want to do. It cuts down crime and makes the kids healthier.”
The centre has been set to be open by the end of next year, however the project has fallen behind and is unlikely to be open by the original date that was set.
Councillors have been warned that if crucial timescales are not met, they may lose the land.
The organisation ‘Inside’, working with the council, has supported another five youth zones to be opened in the North West.